

cological Paradise

The spectacular life in Pantanal

Stunning landscapes and lots of species of birds, fish and mammals. These are some of the attractions of Pantanal, one of the world’s most beautiful regions

The dream of any tourist going to Pantanal is to see a jaguar and, if possible, take a photograph - but this is a very rare event. Jaguars live in hiding in the forests. However, many other animals can be seen up close, such as alligators, tapirs (antas), capivaras and otters (ariranhas). Bird spotting is also easy for tourists. Birds such as the macaw (arara), toucan and stalks (tuiuiú), which is the symbol of Pantanal. The beauty of this region is also evident in the rivers, lakes, lagoons, and the great variety of plants, trees and other forms of vegetation. Tourists can see the beauty of the region in a traditional boat from the area, called a “chalana”. Pantanal also has fantastic places to go fishing and horse riding.

Where this ecological paradise is

This lush region covers over 200,000 square kilometers, with twelve cities, and is between the States of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul. Up until the 1980s, Pantanal was not a very popular tourist destination for Brazilians. The main economic activity in the region is based on fishing and cattle farming. As of the 1990s, Pantanal became more popular with tourists from all over the world.

Trecho da matéria publicada na edição de dezembro da Revista Maganews, que também destaca as características do clima na região, a diversidade de pássaros e peixes em comparação com a Europa e a América do Norte, e também um pequeno texto sobre a novela “Pantanal”.


1 stunning – impressionante / maravilhoso

2 landscape – paisagem

3 bird – pássaro

4 mammal - mamífero

5 jaguar – onça

6 to live in hiding – viver escondido

7 forest – floresta / mata

8 to be seen up close – ser visto de perto

9 alligator – jacaré

10 boat – barco

11 horse riding - cavalgada

12 lush – deslumbrante

13 square kilometers - quilômetros quadrados

14 cattle farming – pecuária

15 as of the – a partir de

Fotos – Bolívar Porto / Embratur (araras) e Rui Faquini / Embratur (vista aérea)

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